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Best Sorcerer Spells Dnd 35



The Ultimate Spell Guide for WEB Sorcerers: Level 1-9

Mastering the Arcane Arts

Sorcerers wield immense power through their innate connection to the arcane. Their spell list boasts an unrivaled versatility, allowing them to overcome any obstacle and unravel any enigma. As you embark on your magical journey, it is crucial to carefully select the spells that will empower your character.

Level 1 Spells

* **Shield:** A defensive spell that protects you from physical harm. * **Grease:** Creates a slippery surface, hindering enemy movement. * **Magic Missile:** A straightforward attack spell that deals consistent damage. * **Sleep:** Puts enemies into a deep slumber, incapacitating them.

Level 2 Spells

* **Ventriloquism:** Allows you to speak through a distance, deceiving enemies. * **Solid Fog:** Creates a thick fog, obscuring vision and hindering movement. * **Web:** Entangles enemies in a sticky web, immobilizing them.

Level 3 Spells

* **Bigby's Hand:** Summons a spectral hand that can attack, grapple, or perform other tasks. * **Fireball:** A powerful damage-dealing spell that incinerates foes. * **Haste:** Enhances the speed and agility of allies, giving them an advantage in combat.

Level 4 Spells

* **Banishment:** Returns extraplanar creatures to their home plane. * **Dimension Door:** Teleports the caster and up to 7 additional creatures across vast distances. * **Greater Invisibility:** Makes the caster and allies invisible to enemies.

Level 5 Spells

* **Scrying:** Allows the caster to spy on others from a distance. * **Telekinesis:** Manipulates objects with the power of the mind. * **Wall of Force:** Creates an impenetrable barrier that blocks projectiles and enemies.

Level 6 Spells

* **Chain Lightning:** A lightning bolt that jumps between multiple enemies, damaging each one. * **Dispel Magic:** Removes or counters magical effects. * **Greater Teleportation:** Teleports the caster and up to 10 additional creatures anywhere on the same plane.

Level 7 Spells

* **Delayed Blast Fireball:** A modified fireball that explodes after a delay, allowing for tactical positioning. * **Polymorph:** Transforms the caster or an ally into another creature. * **Plane Shift:** Transports the caster and up to 6 additional creatures to another plane of existence.

Level 8 Spells

* **Maze:** Creates a labyrinthine illusion that traps and confuses enemies. * **Sunburst:** A radiant blast that damages and blinds foes. * **Telepathy:** Allows the caster to communicate with others telepathically, regardless of distance.

Level 9 Spells

* **Dominate Monster:** Gives the caster control over a powerful creature. * **Gate:** Opens a portal to another plane, allowing the caster to summon creatures or transport allies. * **Imprisonment:** Traps an enemy in a magical cage, preventing them from acting.
